Monthly Archives: April 2008

CISWY reading in Seattle, this weekend!

Liz Reading at Queer Open Mic Originally uploaded by Liz. I am road tripping up to Seattle this week! If you are there please come see me at this event ! I would love to see you all and would … finish reading CISWY reading in Seattle, this weekend!

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Inconceivable: the really intense reactions

It continues to amaze me how people are reacting. – The arguments that if a woman did this project just once, or if she had been pregnant by accident, and then aborted/miscarried and documented it, then it would be okay. … finish reading Inconceivable: the really intense reactions

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Contraception and miscarriage art

I really like Aliza Shvartz’s art project. She has done some videos of herself bleeding into the bathtub and I think some paintings with her blood, described thusly: a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself … finish reading Contraception and miscarriage art

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My son the poet!

It is a little silly but I am wildly excited and proud that Moomin is a finalist in his age group in the city-wide poetry contest! For the past few years I have helped judge that contest, because it’s incredibly … finish reading My son the poet!

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Melons, wars, and the global economy

Moomin and I have had interesting talks all week. He has a project from school to look around at many household objects and find out where they were made. Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China, China, China, England, Taiwan, China, Japan, Italy… … finish reading Melons, wars, and the global economy

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