Monthly Archives: July 2010

Best Punk Rock Songs for Kids

Punk rock is the most awesome music for kids. It’s loud, energetic, expressive of emotion, and if you can get your kids listening to it, half your work of political education is done. Plus you’ll never have to listen to … finish reading Best Punk Rock Songs for Kids

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Travel with a kid – and a wheelchair

I set out to have a perfect day trip with Moomin this spring, right after a stressful time at work. IN fact it was a couple of weeks where I would pick him up from the aftercare at school at … finish reading Travel with a kid – and a wheelchair

Posted in Disability | Tagged , , , , , , | 99 Comments

Marine Science Camp, day 1

At Marine Science Camp today, Moomin dissected a squid and thought about working as a non-fiction writer. He imagined a cartoon of the differences between Squidward and a real squid, so I might try to draw some modifications of Squidward … finish reading Marine Science Camp, day 1

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