Tag Archives: parenting

The Mystery of Air Waffle Inn

Tonight at bedtime Moomin and I read the title story in The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales by Virginia Hamilton. During the bit where there is an evil guy whipping one of the characters who has a baby strapped … finish reading The Mystery of Air Waffle Inn

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A good Father’s Day present: The Daddy Shift

Hey! My friend Jeremy from Daddy Dialectic wrote a book, The Daddy Shift! I’m buying it as a Father’s Day present. Wow, it’s good! I can tell even without having read it, because part of the book is an interview … finish reading A good Father’s Day present: The Daddy Shift

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One mom’s response to American Stories

Tonight Rook and Moomin and I watched the Obama video “American Stories, American Solutions”. Here is some propaganda I can get behind. It was pitched straight to the middle class. It was a very effective populist message. I start to … finish reading One mom’s response to American Stories

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Civics lesson on our street corner

This woman thinks she’s protecting families, marriage, and free speech: With her church friends who were out on the street corner by my house this morning, waving their signs that say “Yes on Prop 8”. That’s what she told me. … finish reading Civics lesson on our street corner

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Pain, disability, and parenting

Pain makes it hard to pay attention to other people and their needs. That makes it hard for me to be the parent I want to be. Being a working and disabled mom has been very tough. Everything changed so … finish reading Pain, disability, and parenting

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bathroom door signs

bathroom door sign Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Back in the PQ7800 stacks on the third floor of Stanford library, Moomin asked me out of the blue, “How do you tell the difference between boys… men and women, or male … finish reading bathroom door signs

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