Manatees and ponies in Seoul

This summer Moomin took two long trips with his dad, one to Korea where they went to Jeju island and Seoul to visit relatives, and another to upstate New York to Lake George.

Moomin got to see manatees at the aquarium in Seoul with his cousins!

And saw wild ponies on Jeju, and did all sorts of cool stuff at Lotte World, and saw turtle boats at a museum.

He also built a treehouse with his other cousins and swam every day and got to go in boats in New York:


Most of the time he was with me on our boat, we read, kayaked a little, and just hung out. He got the 3rd Scott McCloud book. He had quite a lot of dance performances. We joined a pool club and went swimming a bunch. We hung out at my sister’s house and messed around with her chickens:

milo feeding the chickens

I was out of town a bunch of times myself, and I felt like I didn’t have a whole lot of mom-ing to write about over the summer. I missed Moomin a lot, but was super happy he got to do so many exciting things (rather than the big event of the week being “going to the library with mom”.)

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