Monthly Archives: January 2009

Breakdancing at Bedtime

Tonight Moomin scolded me because I didn’t put him to bed early enough. It went like this. Moomin: MooooOOOOOM!!! Isn’t it awfully close to my BEDTIME? Shouldn’t you be putting me to bed? Me: But wait, you totally have to … finish reading Breakdancing at Bedtime

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Inauguration homework

Moomin is writing an essay on Obama’s inauguration speech, for his homework tonight! I watched the inauguration this morning after he went to school, and hoped they were watching it there. Apparently they did. I’m so glad. Now, they’re all … finish reading Inauguration homework

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Black Beauty vs. Thomas the Tank Engine

Tonight we reached the point in Black Beauty where the horse has galloped for 8 miles and back again to bring the doctor to the Squire’s wife, which saves her life *just in time*. The new stable boy, Little Joe … finish reading Black Beauty vs. Thomas the Tank Engine

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