Tag Archives: books

The boring parent

For the past few weeks I’ve been injured and/or ill, and not the most entertaining parent. The most I was able to do was drive Moomin to the library. For a few weekends we just laid around reading. We both … finish reading The boring parent

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Reading Gilgamesh

Today I picked up Moomin and we went to the community center pool for the afternoon. I got a ton of work done while he messed around in the pool and read one of the Redwall books, then I played … finish reading Reading Gilgamesh

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Dawn with her fingertips of rose

We are still reading The Odyssey at bedtime, and since that just happened it’s what I’ll talk about! But here’s the quick catch-up news: I haven’t had Moomin here a whole lot this summer – I went to WisCon, then … finish reading Dawn with her fingertips of rose

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Thundertail! she meowed

I read a bunch of Moomin’s books while I was sick, including ones I’d rejected before for being annoying. After a couple of those Warriors books about housecat clans in a forest, I got kind of excited about writing a … finish reading Thundertail! she meowed

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The moment of school dropoff

Every time I drop Moomin off at school I feel a sentimental pang as he walks away, looking so self-possessed and independent and alone, trundling his giant backpack on wheels. These days, he looks a bit cool and teenagery. Just … finish reading The moment of school dropoff

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Reading Watership Down

Watership Down is our new bedtime reading book. Moomin and I started it last night. I gave him two warnings: it’s intense, and it sometimes has long boring descriptions of scenery. My pitch for the book was basically the book … finish reading Reading Watership Down

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The Mystery of Air Waffle Inn

Tonight at bedtime Moomin and I read the title story in The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales by Virginia Hamilton. During the bit where there is an evil guy whipping one of the characters who has a baby strapped … finish reading The Mystery of Air Waffle Inn

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Analysis of Prospero’s speech

Tonight as we cast about for something new to read I decided it was Time for Shakespeare. Moomin’s school just put on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which he had mixed feelings about! I wanted to read The Tempest because it … finish reading Analysis of Prospero’s speech

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Reading with kids: Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson

For bedtime reading, Moomin and I are reading Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson, one of my favorite kids’ books. It has a lot of great scope for imagination as its hero David climbs the stairs in a creepy ruined mansion … finish reading Reading with kids: Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson

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Kids and houseboats

Guest post today from Moomin! He wrote about our liveaboard life for a school report and it didn’t come out sounding like this guy’s. It’s good to know that Moomin noticed the old sailmaker was a bit “off” since actually … finish reading Kids and houseboats

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Meme Day: Kittens Inspired by Kittens

This week’s meme is the “Kittens Inspired by Kittens” video! It’s a funny YouTube video, great for kids, from 2008 of a little kid about 6 years old, Maddie Kelly, pretending to read a book called Kittens. Each photo gets … finish reading Meme Day: Kittens Inspired by Kittens

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Free in the sea!

Tonight while we were reading 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea we got to one of my favorite parts of the book. Captain Nemo gave a little speech about how much he loves the sea, where he’s free from unjust laws. … finish reading Free in the sea!

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Stalking the wily narwhal: Reading the classics aloud with children

Tonight I started reading 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to Moomin. We skipped a bit of the first chapter’s exposition. Moomin commented a lot on the long sentences that go on till you forget what they’re about. I think it … finish reading Stalking the wily narwhal: Reading the classics aloud with children

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Treasure Hunts with Puzzles: The warmup

Moomin had two parties this year; one big one at his dad’s house and a small treasure hunt at the houseboat. He had read and immediately re-read the Elizabeth Enright book “Melendy Maze: A Spiderweb for Two”, which has a … finish reading Treasure Hunts with Puzzles: The warmup

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A monstrous great brute of a heron

Here’s a quick book-reading update! We’ve been reading Swiss Family Robinson lately, continuing our nautical theme. Moomin’s also re-reading Swallows and Amazons, and he’s well into The Edge Chronicles, Volume 2. He read a volume of the Moomintroll comics, some … finish reading A monstrous great brute of a heron

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All about tiger mice

Three years ago, Moomin wrote a book: About Tiger Mice. I noted his comment on the title at the time. “I was going to call it ‘All About Tiger Mice’ but there’s a lot to say about them and I … finish reading All about tiger mice

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Axe Cop and the Space Station

Axe Cop is a comic book story written by a 5 year old and illustrated by his 29 year old brother. In episode 1, Axe Cop and Flute Cop team up to fight some dinosaurs and Flute Cop turns into … finish reading Axe Cop and the Space Station

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Plans for the Coot Club

We’re reading Arthur Ransome’s The Coot Club, continuing our nautical theme. The kids in The Coot Club are boys and girls in a range of ages who sail around small rivers in the Norfolk Broads, having incredibly mild and realistic … finish reading Plans for the Coot Club

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We’re on a boat!

A month ago I moved onto a houseboat at one of the marinas in my town on the San Francisco Bay. The boat doesn’t go anywhere, but it’s awesome. Moomin and I are now “liveaboards”. Here’s Moomin looking out of … finish reading We’re on a boat!

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Mittens on a string

Moomin was reading Farmer Boy this afternoon and came kind of starry eyed to ask me, “You know how Almanzo has mittens, connected by a string, that go up through the sleeves of his coat and around his neck and … finish reading Mittens on a string

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