Monthly Archives: August 2009

Pocket microscope + camera = awesome!

Yesterday we got a little pocket microscope with its own built-in light that runs off a watch battery. It really does fit in a pocket and works beautifully. Best of all, this pocket microscope was less than $15. This morning … finish reading Pocket microscope + camera = awesome!

Posted in Creativity, Projects, Science | Tagged , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Hip hop camp!

Moomin’s been going to dance camp the last few weeks and he loves it. For years we’ve noticed this club, Community Street Jam, in the local parades and downtown performances, standing out from the crowd as they dance well and … finish reading Hip hop camp!

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Votes for women! Baths for kids!

What do you do when you’ve told your kid to go take a bath several times nad he’s still lounging around in underwear reading a graphic novel about Elizabeth Cady Stanton? Baaaaath time! I mean it this time! In! The … finish reading Votes for women! Baths for kids!

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Too cool for school

Moomin has been in “science and art” camp for weeks: Camp Galileo. They’re really organized and send home daily newsletters (mostly canned…) and at the end of the week, photos of all the kids and a certificate. I think the … finish reading Too cool for school

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