Tag Archives: school

The moment of school dropoff

Every time I drop Moomin off at school I feel a sentimental pang as he walks away, looking so self-possessed and independent and alone, trundling his giant backpack on wheels. These days, he looks a bit cool and teenagery. Just … finish reading The moment of school dropoff

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Flip fantasia!

After Moomin’s school choir concert — in which 50 kids sang Nickelback’s “Rock Star”, “Time After Time”, “I’ll Stop the World”, and (again) Bohemian Rhapsody — I tried to get him to think of some very silly songs for adaptation … finish reading Flip fantasia!

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Inauguration homework

Moomin is writing an essay on Obama’s inauguration speech, for his homework tonight! I watched the inauguration this morning after he went to school, and hoped they were watching it there. Apparently they did. I’m so glad. Now, they’re all … finish reading Inauguration homework

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First day of fourth grade

first day of fourth gradeOriginally uploaded by Liz Henry “Mom, I like Mr. Rockclimber. He’s nice. But I am a little bit *suspicious*.” “Oh really, how come, did he crash into your car or something?”*** “No. What? Actually, he did … finish reading First day of fourth grade

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My son the poet!

It is a little silly but I am wildly excited and proud that Moomin is a finalist in his age group in the city-wide poetry contest! For the past few years I have helped judge that contest, because it’s incredibly … finish reading My son the poet!

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Pledge for our Mathathon!

Through his school, Moomin is participating in the St. Jude’s Hospital Mathathon. He will have a workbook of math problems, and will have 1 week to do up to 250 problems. I pledged him 50 cents per problem! If you’d … finish reading Pledge for our Mathathon!

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Diorama time!

Moomin is making his first “diorama project” for school! It’s for a book report on Max and Me and the Time Machine, about two kids who go back to vaguely inaccurate “medieval times”, meet an alchemist and some knights, and … finish reading Diorama time!

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report card

Yesterday Moomin’s teacher mentioned his report card to me. I dug around in his backpack, but it wasn’t there. “Maybe I forgot what it was, and accidentally, last week, or last year, threw it away, by accident,” Moomin said, with … finish reading report card

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