Monthly Archives: July 2006

ears and horns

ears and horns Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. I wish I’d got her earlier!! It’s overwhelming! I”m at the community-building workshop and we’re still throwing out ideas and questions. I think that then we’ll break into smaller groups to have … finish reading ears and horns

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dangerous boobies

babytalk magazine cover with nursing baby is wild and dangerous. I love the quote from the woman who said she put the magazine through her paper shredder to save her 13 year old son from the gross, dangerous boob-silhouette. Somehow, … finish reading dangerous boobies

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All These Gals in the Same Room!

All These Gals in the Same Room! Originally uploaded by Karianna. I really love this photo – it captures what it felt like last night. We were all vivacious and bubbly, passing the babies around, talking non-stop, sipping our margaritas, … finish reading All These Gals in the Same Room!

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secret hermits, reading

Usually I get up early and hide with coffee, reading and blogging. This morning I read a chunk of Doris Lessing’s “Memoirs of a Survivor” (which I recommend to anyone who likes books where nothing happens.) I try to be … finish reading secret hermits, reading

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Woulda Coulda Dinnah

Woulda Coulda Dinnah Originally uploaded by socalmom. Notes (very condensed) from mommyblogger dinner, pre-pre-BlogHer: – Toy (Lisa‘s friend, podcaster, action movie person) says to watch Top Warriors 2, a documentary about action movies. Also, any movie by Chi-ling (sp?). She … finish reading Woulda Coulda Dinnah

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Could I *just now* figure out who “D….” from tonight’s dinner is? Why did no one say her blog name, socalmom, by which I have known her for forever on multiple blogs?? And I’ve also met her a zillion times? … finish reading doh!!!

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magic tricks

pose for mom Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Moomin and Hamster played “dragonslayers” all afternoon. I was on the phone a lot with my mom, because my grandma fell, and had apparently been in a chair all night not able … finish reading magic tricks

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spontaneous homage to Art, celery, and undies

homage to art frahm Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. As I was walking out of Whole Foods with two big bags of groceries I realized that a huge bunch of celery was sticking out of the top, and like magic, … finish reading spontaneous homage to Art, celery, and undies

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Hello, Woolfcamp 2!

Okay! We’re having the 2nd WoolfCamp at my house in RWC. It’s not super beautiful like Grace’s house, but it’s homey, comfortable, and there’s a lot of books, & wireless. This coming Sunday, the day after BlogHer. For months now … finish reading Hello, Woolfcamp 2!

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lounging at the pool

lounge chair at the pool Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. The heat is still bad, but not as stunning as it was Saturday and Sunday. SuperT took me to the JCC pool – which was new! fancy! beautiful! huge! friendly! … finish reading lounging at the pool

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Yesterday’s backyard warriors and queens

action shot of quest Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. – Elemento, superhero wizard with water lasso, power over earth, air, fire, water – Disastra, a magician with rainbow chain, utility belt, magic spells, and potions – Oracula, who was born … finish reading Yesterday’s backyard warriors and queens

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Archaic turns of phrase

Droom and Iron Man Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. I love it that Moomin’s exclamations mostly come from comic books. I’ve heard him say in all seriousness: – For Pete’s sake!– What the . . . !– Good grief!– My … finish reading Archaic turns of phrase

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Skank of the playground laying on the slide

pink crocs, flowery skirt Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Man, I hate it when people assume I’m a 22 year old tragi-heroic single mom without a lick of sense and that’s why my kid’s bones are showing through his skin. … finish reading Skank of the playground laying on the slide

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Meeting new BlogHers: Chadie from Workers Dojo, Sweden

Chadie of Workers Dojo is coming to BlogHer all the way from Sweden, where she’s helping to organize a Scandinavian BlogHer conference. She writes about trade unions, martial arts, working class life, art, literature, and life as a mom of … finish reading Meeting new BlogHers: Chadie from Workers Dojo, Sweden

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Batman vs. Batman vs. bowl of rice

rice is nice Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. The old Batman action figure, who broke long ago and whose knee is secured by a tiny screw, to the new Batman action figure: I’m from the future, and I’m really you, … finish reading Batman vs. Batman vs. bowl of rice

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moments from the hospital

milo and grandma Originally uploaded by not halfway there. Me having to do something horrid and saying “I’m so, so, sorry, this is going to hurt, but we have to do this so you can get better.” And Moomin’s tiny … finish reading moments from the hospital

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when your kid’s in the hospital

Slizard attacks Birdbot Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Later this afternoon we might be able to go home! It’s been an ordeal. If your kid goes in the hospital, please remember: – write everything down in an organized way. Doctor … finish reading when your kid’s in the hospital

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Fish taco review and hospital details

homie fish taco Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. My co-housemate, the Pilot, offered me a fish taco and a sympathetic pat on the back when I got home from the hospital. The fish was tasty, plain, room temperature; lemon from … finish reading Fish taco review and hospital details

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Super ninja now in the hospital

Super ninjas Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Well, Moomin has appendicitis. He was barfing on Friday, seemed to be firmly on the way to recovery on Saturday, and then on Sunday began hurting quite a lot. When we couldn’t comfort … finish reading Super ninja now in the hospital

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rainbow flags at the 4th of July

parade crew Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Here’s half of our crew at the 4th of July parade, plus a few of the Squatters who shared our blanket and chairs. Nadine and her baby and older son – her partner … finish reading rainbow flags at the 4th of July

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