Tag Archives: lgbt

Civics lesson on our street corner

This woman thinks she’s protecting families, marriage, and free speech: With her church friends who were out on the street corner by my house this morning, waving their signs that say “Yes on Prop 8”. That’s what she told me. … finish reading Civics lesson on our street corner

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Happy Blog Against Heteronormativity Day!

Happy Blog Against Heteronormativity Day! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Nubian, at Blackademic, has declared that it’s “Blog Against Heteronormativity Day.” What can I say… I’m not very heteronormative, no one around me seems to mind, and I’m super happy! … finish reading Happy Blog Against Heteronormativity Day!

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LGBT familes, teen advice to parents: Be prepared

Here is the liveblogging (cleaned up this time!) of the COLAGE panel about growing up in LGBT families. *********** There’s five people on the panel all looking just a tiny bit nervous. I’m admiring one girl’s pink flip-flops and matching … finish reading LGBT familes, teen advice to parents: Be prepared

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Izzy’s dream

Squid blogged this morning about her 7 year old daughter’s MLK Jr. Day essay for school: I have a dream…. Don’t miss it. I cried last night, I cried again this morning, and I’m crying again now, it was so … finish reading Izzy’s dream

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