Tag Archives: comic books

Green kayak’s light

Moomin made up a good superhero oath based on the Green Lantern Oath while we were out in the kayaks picking up trash. In brightest day, in blackest night, No litter shall escape my sight – Let those who worship … finish reading Green kayak’s light

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Why do aliens come to Earth? by Moomin

Here are some interesting thoughts about superheroes, their equipment, and their friends. For instance, you know how Superman has his Fortress of Solitude, and he inserts this giant key into a giant keyhole. What I wonder is: why someone doesn’t … finish reading Why do aliens come to Earth? by Moomin

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Making up superheroes

Moomin had a lot to say today in the car on the way home from dance class, where they were learning the dance to “Thriller”. I asked him to tell me it all over again when we got home so … finish reading Making up superheroes

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Votes for women! Baths for kids!

What do you do when you’ve told your kid to go take a bath several times nad he’s still lounging around in underwear reading a graphic novel about Elizabeth Cady Stanton? Baaaaath time! I mean it this time! In! The … finish reading Votes for women! Baths for kids!

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