Category Archives: How-To

How-To instructions to do various fun geeky creative activities with kids!

Maker Faire is coming up!

I’ll be at Maker Faire this weekend and on Saturday afternoon will be at the Hardware Hacking Area, teaching people how to solder. The rest of the time I’ll be wandering around or camped out at the Noisebridge table, poking … finish reading Maker Faire is coming up!

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Crockpot green curry chicken – cheap!

My staple food is chicken taco stuff made in a crockpot, but this week I varied it to be Thai green curry chicken stuff. I go to Trader Joe’s a couple of times a month to get luxury groceries, and … finish reading Crockpot green curry chicken – cheap!

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How to make a Plants vs. Zombies costume

I’ve thought about how to make a Plants vs. Zombies costume. Here’s several good ways to make them yourself, very cheaply! DIY Traffic cone zombie costume: Brown jacket, red tie, green face powder, jeans and boots. For the traffic cone … finish reading How to make a Plants vs. Zombies costume

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Congee in a crockpot

I made up the best congee recipe this weekend. While I like to cook, it takes up time and energy, so I make a lot of food in a slow cooker and eat it all week. Congee is a savory … finish reading Congee in a crockpot

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