Monthly Archives: June 2007

In brightest day, in darkest night

Milo’s Pledge Originally uploaded by byronium In the car the other day Moomin chirped up, “I know why my skin is dark.” “Oh yeah? Why is that?” *kind of wondering what he’s gonna say* “Because I have lots of good … finish reading In brightest day, in darkest night

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More really bad words for Moomin

the longest word you’ve ever heard, and this is how it goes… Originally uploaded by Alicia Y Moomin’s been joking around with his dad about “bad words” for months now. They giggle about “the A word”. Which, as I mentioned … finish reading More really bad words for Moomin

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R2D2 and friends

r2d2 and friends Originally uploaded by Liz Henry Robogames was great as usual! Moomin first went to it when it was Battlebots or something like that, in 2001. He was in a front carrier and it was just at the … finish reading R2D2 and friends

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Catching up on life

undersea life Originally uploaded by Liz Henry I just went through a foot-high stack of papers that had piled up, and realized I haven’t seen any of Moomin’s homework since early April. At home, I mostly stay in bed reading … finish reading Catching up on life

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