Tag Archives: art

Cheap Art Manifesto

Moomin reads the Why Cheap Art? Manifesto aloud. One day he noticed it taped to the wall and read it with great enthusiasm! “PEOPLE have been THINKING too long that ART is a PRIVILEGE of the MUSEUMS & the RICH. … finish reading Cheap Art Manifesto

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Street art tribute

This is a video of the creation of a mural portrait of Ronald Takaki. I think it’s a really beautiful way to honor a teacher. The speeded up film and the music go really well – it just works. From … finish reading Street art tribute

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Pocket microscope + camera = awesome!

Yesterday we got a little pocket microscope with its own built-in light that runs off a watch battery. It really does fit in a pocket and works beautifully. Best of all, this pocket microscope was less than $15. This morning … finish reading Pocket microscope + camera = awesome!

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Castle stories and rainbow drawings

Here is a snippet from an otherwise trashed 2003 notebook. I wrote down a story as Moomin told it and acted it out with little animals and his toy wooden castle. Once upon a time there was a beautiful castle … finish reading Castle stories and rainbow drawings

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Contraception and miscarriage art

I really like Aliza Shvartz’s art project. She has done some videos of herself bleeding into the bathtub and I think some paintings with her blood, described thusly: a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself … finish reading Contraception and miscarriage art

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It was magic!

These sketches are from two small books I made for Moomin when he was two. One is a simple picture book called “What Little Birds Do” that has a different verb and action on each page. The other was a … finish reading It was magic!

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Izzy’s dream

Squid blogged this morning about her 7 year old daughter’s MLK Jr. Day essay for school: I have a dream…. Don’t miss it. I cried last night, I cried again this morning, and I’m crying again now, it was so … finish reading Izzy’s dream

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