Tag Archives: events

Bayview to Breakers!

I’m excited! We’re going to Bayview to Breakers today. Though we won’t have boats, we’ll meet people and cheer on whoever is there with kayaks or art boats or weird rafts made of plastic bottles. I’ve only driven around this … finish reading Bayview to Breakers!

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Sam’s party

Sam’s party Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Salmon and satay and pizza and fruit and asparagus and two kinds of cake… a bouncy house, a trampoline, a musician, teenagers making balloon animals. It was mayhem, but not completely wild like … finish reading Sam’s party

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stomping the city!

stomping the city! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. We set up the city at the beginning of the party. Tension built, and a couple of hours later we announced that all the godzilla monsters would stomp the cities! Ingredients for … finish reading stomping the city!

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Doomed cities, shrieking kids

Phase one of the Godzilla party. I started things off with a couple of kids, and very quickly a bunch of them made skyscrapers with the boxes. There were at least two Clock Towers, a church, an aquarium, and the … finish reading Doomed cities, shrieking kids

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