Tag Archives: playing

Making up superheroes

Moomin had a lot to say today in the car on the way home from dance class, where they were learning the dance to “Thriller”. I asked him to tell me it all over again when we got home so … finish reading Making up superheroes

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Overheard at the sleepover

This morning from Moomin and Hamster in unison, a song, overheard circa 7am: Row, row, row your poop Gently down the poop! Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Poop, poop poop, poop poop. ***INSANE GIGGLING*** And the other day… Moomin: Mom, let’s … finish reading Overheard at the sleepover

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Super Evil Flying Pecker Beaver

When I’m working so well and so smoothly it pains me to stop for anything. I eat while working, and … I confess with the whole laptop wireless thing… I have been known to pee with laptop perched… I can … finish reading Super Evil Flying Pecker Beaver

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playing animals

After an evening of staring at these thesis guidelines I turned to a nice hot bath and a relaxing book… Watership Down, which I nicked from my parents’ bookshelf. I was remembering how me and Bam Perry, a self-declared “cajun … finish reading playing animals

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mayhem in the badgerhouse

Moomin and Hamster have been shooting imaginary things for a couple of hours. Just now I was weeding, contemplating the destructive, preserving, and creative forces of Life in the form of some henbit along my rock border… and overheard this: … finish reading mayhem in the badgerhouse

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