Category Archives: Creativity

Minor acts of heroism

I gave Moomin all the swag I brought him from GeekGirlCon, and after plowing through a big stack of comic books he got very excited at three of them. “Mom! These are the best comic books EVER!!!” They were the … finish reading Minor acts of heroism

Posted in Books, Comics, Creativity | Tagged , , | 337 Comments

Hula hooping lasso trick

This summer Moomin mastered hula hooping with two or three hoops. It looks so cool! I wish I could do it! Hooping in Dolores Park He also learned a cool trick move from his aunt Minnie. You reach around behind … finish reading Hula hooping lasso trick

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Dubstep pop and lock dance video

Moomin loved this video and I did too! The dancer is called Nonstop and is part of the group Remote Kontrol. He is amazingly good at the kind of pop and lock that imitates computer and animated film effects. You … finish reading Dubstep pop and lock dance video

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Maker Faire is coming up!

I’ll be at Maker Faire this weekend and on Saturday afternoon will be at the Hardware Hacking Area, teaching people how to solder. The rest of the time I’ll be wandering around or camped out at the Noisebridge table, poking … finish reading Maker Faire is coming up!

Posted in Creativity, How-To | Tagged , | 63 Comments

Tabloid Junkie

My city has a very cool town square between the old courthouse/history museum and the movie theater, with fountains and lots of space for kids to run around. I really like the street fairs and music events. At the last … finish reading Tabloid Junkie

Posted in Creativity, Music | Tagged , , , , | 126 Comments

Geeking out with Zometools

This weekend Moomin and I played a lot with Zometools. We made a rhombicosidodecahedron! The little white nodes in the picture are all rhombicosidodecahdrons themselves, so we thought we’d try to make that shape with the parts from the kit. … finish reading Geeking out with Zometools

Posted in Creativity, Projects | Tagged , , | 71 Comments

Houseboat Christmas

Draping some mardi gras beads over a ficus tree . . . that was our Christmas decor last year. This year I’m determined not to be such a grinchy slacker. The floggings will continue until the boat is decorated! I … finish reading Houseboat Christmas

Posted in Boats!, Creativity, Parenting, Parties! | Tagged , , | 35 Comments

Crockpot green curry chicken – cheap!

My staple food is chicken taco stuff made in a crockpot, but this week I varied it to be Thai green curry chicken stuff. I go to Trader Joe’s a couple of times a month to get luxury groceries, and … finish reading Crockpot green curry chicken – cheap!

Posted in Creativity, How-To | Tagged , , , | 413 Comments

Halloween parties and parades

My Zomboni from Plants vs. Zombies costume came out great. I painted the Zamboni design on white fabric with cheap tempera and tied it over my lap. A cardboard box would have made it too awkward to wheel myself around … finish reading Halloween parties and parades

Posted in Creativity, Parties! | Tagged , , | 31 Comments

How to make a Plants vs. Zombies costume

I’ve thought about how to make a Plants vs. Zombies costume. Here’s several good ways to make them yourself, very cheaply! DIY Traffic cone zombie costume: Brown jacket, red tie, green face powder, jeans and boots. For the traffic cone … finish reading How to make a Plants vs. Zombies costume

Posted in Creativity, How-To | Tagged , , | 55 Comments

Best Mashups for Kids

I love great mashups but a bunch of them are really sweary or sexist so I skip over them in the car if kids are around, less because I’m uptight about it and more because they would find it embarrassing. … finish reading Best Mashups for Kids

Posted in Creativity, Music | Tagged , , , , , , , | 62 Comments

Meme Monday: Dramatic Chipmunk!

As you educate your geeky child, it is your responsibility to clue them in to some of the awesome silly memes of Internet culture. You can fritter away hours watching video clips, parodies, homages, and reading Know Your Meme giving … finish reading Meme Monday: Dramatic Chipmunk!

Posted in Creativity, Humor | Tagged , , , | 24 Comments

How to make a uterus piñata

Piñatas can be a lot of fun. I had them at birthday parties growing up, I’ve made them for my child, and I’ve also made uterus piñatas for baby showers three times now. What could be more ridiculous for a … finish reading How to make a uterus piñata

Posted in Creativity, Parties! | Tagged , , | 53 Comments

Congee in a crockpot

I made up the best congee recipe this weekend. While I like to cook, it takes up time and energy, so I make a lot of food in a slow cooker and eat it all week. Congee is a savory … finish reading Congee in a crockpot

Posted in Creativity, How-To | Tagged , | 25 Comments

Pirate flags on our houseboat

Our houseboat is decorated all over with pirate flag and pirate-themed stuff. The boat’s owner even has control knobs shaped like skulls on the dashboard. I was just thinking about this as I read about the Pirate Bay arrests and … finish reading Pirate flags on our houseboat

Posted in Boats!, Creativity | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

Free in the sea!

Tonight while we were reading 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea we got to one of my favorite parts of the book. Captain Nemo gave a little speech about how much he loves the sea, where he’s free from unjust laws. … finish reading Free in the sea!

Posted in Boats!, Books, Creativity | Tagged , , , , , , | 24 Comments

Games: How to Play “Car”

When my sister and I were little, I made up a really good game called “Car”. We played it again the other day with her 3 year old son who is the perfect age for it. To play Car, the … finish reading Games: How to Play “Car”

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Plants vs. Zombies cake

Moomin has been playing Plants Vs. Zombies this summer and will explain all the levels and what powers the plants have to anyone who will listen. This last weekend a friend of mine made a Plants vs. Zombies cake! Plants … finish reading Plants vs. Zombies cake

Posted in Creativity, Parties! | Tagged , , , , , , | 39 Comments

Punk Rock Dish Towels

While I was on vacation in the UK I wanted to find the perfect kitschy souvenir. It should be the equivalent of a china teacup that says “Memento of Lyme Regis”, but should be something you would buy in Hot … finish reading Punk Rock Dish Towels

Posted in Creativity | Tagged , , , , , , , | 64 Comments

Best Punk Rock Songs for Kids

Punk rock is the most awesome music for kids. It’s loud, energetic, expressive of emotion, and if you can get your kids listening to it, half your work of political education is done. Plus you’ll never have to listen to … finish reading Best Punk Rock Songs for Kids

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