Monthly Archives: July 2007

Wheely at BlogHer

Playground baseball Originally uploaded by Liz Henry I’m so behind on my mommyblogging… but things are lovely, Moomin is cute and obsessed with comic books and Godzilla and stories even more so than last I checked, and I’m about to … finish reading Wheely at BlogHer

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We could look it up!

My favorite words! Coming out of the mouth of my kid! As we were driving along home from Lego camp I remarked (thinking of his missing toys and bicycle) that maybe it is possible to buy lego sets with motors … finish reading We could look it up!

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Burned scrolls and cryptography

burned scroll Originally uploaded by Liz Henry Today was so beautiful for me because for the first time since late March I was able to get up, make breakfast, and be mentally and emotionally present. I could not only take … finish reading Burned scrolls and cryptography

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Things borrowed

Moomin just went over and played inside our neighbor Nukie’s house for the first time and started walking back over with things one by one. “Here’s my Pokemon cards! I think Nukie accidentally took them home.” Trot trot trot back … finish reading Things borrowed

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