Category Archives: Disability

Thoughts on being a parent with a disability. I think a lot about disability politics and disability rights, and accessibility. I am a parent who uses a wheelchair and crutches.

Kids and wheelchair manners

Please stop yelling at your kids just because they’re 20 feet away from a wheelchair! Nothing bad is going to happen. It really pisses me off when someone grabs their kid, yanks them “out of the way” and yells at … finish reading Kids and wheelchair manners

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Travel with a kid – and a wheelchair

I set out to have a perfect day trip with Moomin this spring, right after a stressful time at work. IN fact it was a couple of weeks where I would pick him up from the aftercare at school at … finish reading Travel with a kid – and a wheelchair

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Zooming down the ramps

Today we went to St. Mary’s rec center playground in San Francisco. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Its layout is a lot better in some ways than the wheelchair accessible playground at Yerba Buena. There were … finish reading Zooming down the ramps

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Secret San Francisco city parks

I love San Francisco! This weekend I took Moomin to Caffeinated Comics at Mission and 30th, an Internet cafe and comic book store. We had to repeat a bit of comic book store ethics, to wit, don’t stand there reading … finish reading Secret San Francisco city parks

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Swimming at the rehab center

I thought it might motivate me to go and swim for physical therapy if Rook and Moomin came too. We got to the pool half an hour before it opened. Right behind the center, there’s a huge park. It looked … finish reading Swimming at the rehab center

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