"may I autograph your baby?"

"may I autograph your baby?"
Originally uploaded by Liz Henry.

I had a great weekend at Wiscon, the feminist science fiction convention in Madison. There’s too many stories to tell, and I came back with bronchitis!

But here’s a cute photo of “the Goat”, obafugakum and drakenfly‘s baby, asleep at Wiscon. Ellen Klages, Nalo Hopkinson, and Naomi Kritzer autographed her outfit!

The conference had good day care and a kids’ track for programming. I was so grateful! For nighttime, I found a great babysitter off craigslist. some people looked at me strangely when I said this, but… what can I say. I web-stalked her, found the newspaper articles she wrote for the student newspaper… looked on Facebook… and then talked to her on the phone. It’s funny to think what makes us comfortable with a caretaker. She turned up with a laptop and several DVDs which she made sure I was okay with Moomin watching, and construction paper and crayons and tape, and I think more supplies! Another mom I met in the Láadan and Klingon language session brought her son, and our intrepid caretaker was unfazed. In fact she took the kids outside to run around the entire Capitol building. Their knight names were Sir Porcupine and Sir Stinky, and they slayed every tree-dragon at the Capitol. The next night, she took them out for ice cream! If you want her email and number and live in Madison, I’d be happy to pass it on!

Saw Kira with her baby, and Matt and Janet with theirs, and wished I could help more. They were heroes of the revolution! It’s hard work to have a baby in that kind of super exciting environment.

I confess I gushed at Lois McMaster Bujold in the elevator. I couldn’t help it.

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