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Tag Archives: gender
Tabloid Junkie
My city has a very cool town square between the old courthouse/history museum and the movie theater, with fountains and lots of space for kids to run around. I really like the street fairs and music events. At the last … finish reading Tabloid Junkie
Plans for the Coot Club
We’re reading Arthur Ransome’s The Coot Club, continuing our nautical theme. The kids in The Coot Club are boys and girls in a range of ages who sail around small rivers in the Norfolk Broads, having incredibly mild and realistic … finish reading Plans for the Coot Club
Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!
When I saw this headline about redshirting kindergartners, I thought it had something to do with Star Trek, but could not figure out how on earth the metaphor could be stretched – was someone sending 5 year olds out to … finish reading Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!
Tagged bad parents, brats, education, gender, privilege, public schools, rants
Protectors of the Small
I love it that my friend’s daughter just called me at 8:30 in the morning, desperate to borrow Page, the second book in the Tamora Pierce series, “Protector of the Small”. It’s a young adult fantasy series about a 10 … finish reading Protectors of the Small
bathroom door signs
bathroom door sign Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Back in the PQ7800 stacks on the third floor of Stanford library, Moomin asked me out of the blue, “How do you tell the difference between boys… men and women, or male … finish reading bathroom door signs