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Tag Archives: rants
Farm camp!
Moomin loved farm camp! They skimmed cream off the milk, churned butter from it, got eggs from the henhouse, fed some goats, and saw lots of other animals. He has a choice at pool time of being a Cat, who … finish reading Farm camp!
Tagged accessibility, camp, disability, rants, summer
Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!
When I saw this headline about redshirting kindergartners, I thought it had something to do with Star Trek, but could not figure out how on earth the metaphor could be stretched – was someone sending 5 year olds out to … finish reading Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!
Tagged bad parents, brats, education, gender, privilege, public schools, rants
Weird pseudo-date school fundraisers
I’m kind of a jerk about school fundraiser events and in fact it is an area you might call me un-civic-minded. The girl scout cookie thing, the wrapping paper, the cookie dough, the auctions… God I hate the idea of … finish reading Weird pseudo-date school fundraisers