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Monthly Archives: October 2008
Vote however you like
This is pretty much the best thing ever. Kids having a blast singing and dancing about the elections! I think it’s a beautiful way to teach kids about the political process and being able to talk about different issues! Related … finish reading Vote however you like
Tagged politics
One mom’s response to American Stories
Tonight Rook and Moomin and I watched the Obama video “American Stories, American Solutions”. Here is some propaganda I can get behind. It was pitched straight to the middle class. It was a very effective populist message. I start to … finish reading One mom’s response to American Stories
Civics lesson on our street corner
This woman thinks she’s protecting families, marriage, and free speech: With her church friends who were out on the street corner by my house this morning, waving their signs that say “Yes on Prop 8”. That’s what she told me. … finish reading Civics lesson on our street corner
Red convertible
liz&halleycar.jpgOriginally uploaded by dawniemom HELLO!!! From Boston! I’m having a great time at the BlogHer conference. I did the blogging workshop in Boston and then in Washington DC, met a ton of people, and had a great time! This car … finish reading Red convertible
Being naughty for the substitute
“Our substitute teacher showed me a way to say something isn’t equal,” Moomin told me today as he did his homework. “See?” and with vast satisfaction he wrote ≠on his worksheet. When I asked him how the sub was, … finish reading Being naughty for the substitute
Tagged education, homework, public schools