barfing up separate layers

ceiling at canvas cafe
Originally uploaded by Liz Henry.

I never knew it was possible. Moomin just threw up a red, white, and blue bomp pop with all the colors separated!

Sleepover cancelled… afternoon sweaty, heinous; measured by wet faceclothes, tiny sips of ice water, and more barfing. Moomin is very brave. I have tried to be comforting.

Being around barfing people makes me also want to barf. Unfortunately I can still remember with awful clarity the taste, texture, and look of the graham crackers and grape juice I barfed at length in the Habecovic’s apartment above ours in 1975. I still don’t like grape juice, which is unfortunate because Moomin always tries to make me eat the purple popsicles since they match my hair.

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