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Tag Archives: authors
Back from WisCon!
We’re back from WisCon, the feminist science fiction convention that we go to every year! Moomin hung out in the kids’ room, cut out Girl Genius paper dolls, went swimming a lot, made enormous room-sized lego battles with forts and … finish reading Back from WisCon!
Tagged authors, books, conferences, WisCon
Where the Wild Things are Gay, Gay, Gay
Maurice Sendak just came out as gay to the New York Times. To me this is mommyblogger news. Was there anything he had never been asked? He paused for a few moments and answered, “Well, that I’m gay.†“I just … finish reading Where the Wild Things are Gay, Gay, Gay
Retroactive mommyblogger Betty MacDonald
A shout out in praise of Betty MacDonald. The Mrs.Piggle-Wiggle books we all know, I think… but as I read them to Moomin I see how they function perfectly not just as teaching manuals for kids on how to behave … finish reading Retroactive mommyblogger Betty MacDonald