Tag Archives: bedtime

Dawn with her fingertips of rose

We are still reading The Odyssey at bedtime, and since that just happened it’s what I’ll talk about! But here’s the quick catch-up news: I haven’t had Moomin here a whole lot this summer – I went to WisCon, then … finish reading Dawn with her fingertips of rose

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Free in the sea!

Tonight while we were reading 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea we got to one of my favorite parts of the book. Captain Nemo gave a little speech about how much he loves the sea, where he’s free from unjust laws. … finish reading Free in the sea!

Posted in Boats!, Books, Creativity | Tagged , , , , , , | 24 Comments

Breakdancing at Bedtime

Tonight Moomin scolded me because I didn’t put him to bed early enough. It went like this. Moomin: MooooOOOOOM!!! Isn’t it awfully close to my BEDTIME? Shouldn’t you be putting me to bed? Me: But wait, you totally have to … finish reading Breakdancing at Bedtime

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