Tag Archives: diy

Maker Faire is coming up!

I’ll be at Maker Faire this weekend and on Saturday afternoon will be at the Hardware Hacking Area, teaching people how to solder. The rest of the time I’ll be wandering around or camped out at the Noisebridge table, poking … finish reading Maker Faire is coming up!

Posted in Creativity, How-To | Tagged , | 63 Comments

How to make a uterus piñata

Piñatas can be a lot of fun. I had them at birthday parties growing up, I’ve made them for my child, and I’ve also made uterus piñatas for baby showers three times now. What could be more ridiculous for a … finish reading How to make a uterus piñata

Posted in Creativity, Parties! | Tagged , , | 53 Comments

Pirate flags on our houseboat

Our houseboat is decorated all over with pirate flag and pirate-themed stuff. The boat’s owner even has control knobs shaped like skulls on the dashboard. I was just thinking about this as I read about the Pirate Bay arrests and … finish reading Pirate flags on our houseboat

Posted in Boats!, Creativity | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

How to dye kids’ hair funny colors

My hair has been purple for over 10 years. I bleach and dye it myself. I’ve also gotten to be an expert at dying kids’ hair funny colors. People ask me a lot how to put a colored streak in … finish reading How to dye kids’ hair funny colors

Posted in Projects | Tagged , , , , | 35 Comments

The joy of PVC pipe: Marshmallow guns!

We made another Howtoons DIY project: Marshmallow Shooters out of bits of PVC pipe. It was so amazingly easy! First Moomin and I made a list of the PVC parts we’d need. At the hardware store, we got a few … finish reading The joy of PVC pipe: Marshmallow guns!

Posted in Comics, Projects | Tagged , , | 24 Comments