Tag Archives: education

Best Punk Rock Songs for Kids

Punk rock is the most awesome music for kids. It’s loud, energetic, expressive of emotion, and if you can get your kids listening to it, half your work of political education is done. Plus you’ll never have to listen to … finish reading Best Punk Rock Songs for Kids

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Being naughty for the substitute

“Our substitute teacher showed me a way to say something isn’t equal,” Moomin told me today as he did his homework. “See?” and with vast satisfaction he wrote ≠ on his worksheet. When I asked him how the sub was, … finish reading Being naughty for the substitute

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Moomin goes to snack camp

M. at campOriginally uploaded by Liz Henry Moomin: This camp is GREAT! This is the best camp ever! They had Honey Nut Cheerios!!Me: Hahahaha! Awesome! Hahahaahah! Moomin: AND they had raisins.Me: No way. Hahahaha. Raisins! Moomin: Yes! At the first … finish reading Moomin goes to snack camp

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Melons, wars, and the global economy

Moomin and I have had interesting talks all week. He has a project from school to look around at many household objects and find out where they were made. Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China, China, China, England, Taiwan, China, Japan, Italy… … finish reading Melons, wars, and the global economy

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Pledge for our Mathathon!

Through his school, Moomin is participating in the St. Jude’s Hospital Mathathon. He will have a workbook of math problems, and will have 1 week to do up to 250 problems. I pledged him 50 cents per problem! If you’d … finish reading Pledge for our Mathathon!

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Reptile birthday!

millipede Originally uploaded by Liz Henry The reptiles at Moomin’s party were a hit. The reptile party guy brought several kinds of boas and pythons and a green anaconda, along with a monitor lizard and a tegu. There were also … finish reading Reptile birthday!

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Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!

When I saw this headline about redshirting kindergartners, I thought it had something to do with Star Trek, but could not figure out how on earth the metaphor could be stretched – was someone sending 5 year olds out to … finish reading Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!

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