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Tag Archives: moms
Recovering from domestic violence – with community help
This last month I’ve watched, from a distance, a little bit of what happens when women face domestic violence. Julie from Tangobaby has been blogging about her friendship with K. and her family, a friendship which started back in April. … finish reading Recovering from domestic violence – with community help
Tagged blogging, community, moms, violence
Comments (3)
That’s what Grandmas are for, I guess
My mom just gave Moomin an earful of stories from her childhood. I tried to get my great-grandma to tell me about her childhood once. “Come on, Nana, what was it like, what was different? What was it like being … finish reading That’s what Grandmas are for, I guess
Tagged brats, kids, moms
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Just a mommyblogger
First of all I had a blast at BlogHer this year! Now here’s the rant. I kept hearing people say they were “just a mommyblogger” or “not just a mommyblogger”. Come on, people! To the women who say they’re “not … finish reading Just a mommyblogger
Tagged blogging, moms, writing
Comments (27)
Coffee with the Bad Moms
Bad Moms Coffee Originally uploaded by GraceD. Grace came to coffee hour with the badass mamas! And Elswhere (Travels in Booland) was visiting too! Sadly… Squid and Jo weren’t there and were much missed. It’s been what, four years I’ve … finish reading Coffee with the Bad Moms
els arrives! and our adventures
els arrives! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. I don’t know why but I had pictured Elswhere being sort of serene, wise, and calm. Instead she’s cute and bouncy, hyper and giggly, shy and librarianly and geekgirlish. What’s with the serene … finish reading els arrives! and our adventures
red hot motormouths in the red velvet buick
Breakfast again you-know-where on 3rd and Congress. Today they brought me coffee right away, with cream, without my asking. I watched the people behind the counter in their complicated dance, admiring how they worked together so smoothly… using just the … finish reading red hot motormouths in the red velvet buick