Tag Archives: creativity

Meme Monday: Dramatic Chipmunk!

As you educate your geeky child, it is your responsibility to clue them in to some of the awesome silly memes of Internet culture. You can fritter away hours watching video clips, parodies, homages, and reading Know Your Meme giving … finish reading Meme Monday: Dramatic Chipmunk!

Posted in Creativity, Humor | Tagged , , , | 24 Comments

Contraception and miscarriage art

I really like Aliza Shvartz’s art project. She has done some videos of herself bleeding into the bathtub and I think some paintings with her blood, described thusly: a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself … finish reading Contraception and miscarriage art

Posted in Activism, Creativity | Tagged , , , | 27 Comments

Diorama time!

Moomin is making his first “diorama project” for school! It’s for a book report on Max and Me and the Time Machine, about two kids who go back to vaguely inaccurate “medieval times”, meet an alchemist and some knights, and … finish reading Diorama time!

Posted in Creativity, Projects, School | Tagged , | 17 Comments