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Monthly Archives: February 2007
Found under the futon
toys under the couch Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. This was so awesome I can’t resist. Newly crawling baby + unbabyproofed environment! I totally remember that phase when Moomin went from blobular to grub-like and wiggling and then all at … finish reading Found under the futon
U-turn with care
Alto! Originally uploaded by deovolenti. After months of incredibly hard work, money spent, and freaked-out community meetings & conversations and special school board meetings, people talking about selling their houses and moving, *teachers* talking about doing that because they hated … finish reading U-turn with care
Big bad words
Moomin’s running around the house chanting “Antidisestablishmentarianism! Antidisestablishmentarianism!” I’m not sure why. Related posts:Hurricane Iron ChefA proud moment of independent action
Valentines and work
I haven’t blogged here in way too long because suddenly I have three jobs. Or maybe two. And then more people wanting me to work for them. It’s a heady feeling! Meanwhile, for Valentine’s Day, Rook helped Moomin scan in … finish reading Valentines and work
Sustainable happiness, parenting, and art
Jeremy from Daddy Dialectic says a complicated thing very well on the othermag blog in Going with the Flow – That there are different kinds of happiness. Sometimes as an artist/poet/writer I go for maximizing my amount of direct “flow” … finish reading Sustainable happiness, parenting, and art
Waking up in a secret hideout
This morning I woke up gradually to whispers and subdued running around. Moomin and his friend Hamster had quietly built an enormous hide-out fort in the living room, and were being quiet so as not to wake us up! Wow! … finish reading Waking up in a secret hideout