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rain and bed
I kinda just want to go to bed with my book and eat cookies. This morning I worked like crazy, then went to the post office to mail off another draft to my advisor and 2nd reader. It came out … finish reading rain and bed
funny quote
From the airport as Moomin and I were leaving… He was hugging my mom and stammering out, “Grandma, I wish… I wish… I wish … “ “Yes?” (She and I were both thinking he was going to say something sweet … finish reading funny quote
intensity overload
I’m glad we decided not to go anywhere today. I need a low-key day to get myself together. Moomin and I fly back to CA tonight. And then I have to do a bunch of writing and thought-organization for this … finish reading intensity overload
a great battle
Rook just showed me this marvellous home-made video of a lightsaber fight by Ryan Wieber and Michael “Dorkman” Scott, some Menlo Park teenagers. That’s some damn fine fight choreography! Really, watch the whole thing. Perfect pacing and acting, dramatic tension … finish reading a great battle
cranky mom, airplanes
I swear I’m not making this up. Just now in Amelia’s in Deadwood, I was eating dinner with Minnie, Rook, Moomin, and our friend R. from San Diego. Two guys came up to us and said “OMG are you the … finish reading cranky mom, airplanes
horses are very very big
DSCN1877 Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Moomin and my mom feeding Cactus, a horse in the Houston stables where my parents take riding lessons. I know how nervous he must have been to feed this huge strange horse. Their mouths … finish reading horses are very very big
red hot motormouths in the red velvet buick
Breakfast again you-know-where on 3rd and Congress. Today they brought me coffee right away, with cream, without my asking. I watched the people behind the counter in their complicated dance, admiring how they worked together so smoothly… using just the … finish reading red hot motormouths in the red velvet buick
memory of a place
Yesterday and today, on the bus passing Waterloo Park I realized it was the place where Richard used to walk with me down the creek pathway and we’d end up on the swings there. I think. I never went there … finish reading memory of a place
libraries, turitellae, punk!
I sneaked out of the conference this morning, ate at Las Manitas again, talked to a kid and dad who were on spring break vacation from El Paso and told them about where to find fossils, figuring I wouldn’t get … finish reading libraries, turitellae, punk!
Henry Rollins talk
I can’t get in to the Henry Rollins talk. But I did once try to rip his shorts off in 1984 or so, at a Black Flag concert in Houston – he was wearing nothing but these little jogging shorts … finish reading Henry Rollins talk
bikinis and banks
good conversation really quick with David Swedlow who was on the folksonomy panel. he said something so great about different identities, authentication. Swedlow: you go to the beach and you go to the bank, and you know not to wear … finish reading bikinis and banks
Road trip with Dad to SXSWi
Highway 290 has this grungy smalltown beauty… the little towns are great. I wish I’d gotten a shot of the “hot rods” junk shop. Lots of cow fields, scraggly-pine scrubland, aging gas stations, tiny downtowns trying to have comebacks as … finish reading Road trip with Dad to SXSWi
dinner, plane flight, parents’ house
Moomin almost puked during the plane landing! It was horrible! The rest of the flight I read a Mrs. Pollifax novel about being in Sicily and … “art” or something. It was one of the lamest books ever written. I … finish reading dinner, plane flight, parents’ house
Uh, Happy International Women’s Day?
Online News Hour discussion in which Sen. Bill Napoli says the only exception for rape to anti-abortion laws should be: A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was … finish reading Uh, Happy International Women’s Day?
As I get busier and more irritable, Moomin behaves worse to get attention. This should not be news to anyone but let it be a lesson to me in the obvious… pay real attention to my kid… it’s good for … finish reading correlations
in a minute
Moomin: Do you know how to make a minute out of coins? Rook: How? Moomin: Three nickels, and one penny. Rook: that’s… Moomin: 16, and 16 seconds makes a minute. (this explains a LOT about his concept of what “just … finish reading in a minute
Moon and Sun
I started to read The Moon and Sun last night, and hardly came up for air. At 6am I woke up and finished it. Ignobly… I snapped at Moomin because he was dawdling and I had to stop reading to … finish reading Moon and Sun
Holy tamales… thanks to and the SXSWi party rsvp-ing I just came across a lovely ex-girlfriend…Yay, I heard from her a few years ago but didn’t know she was going to the conference. We used to write propaganda and … finish reading upcoming