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Monthly Archives: March 2008
Pledge for our Mathathon!
Through his school, Moomin is participating in the St. Jude’s Hospital Mathathon. He will have a workbook of math problems, and will have 1 week to do up to 250 problems. I pledged him 50 cents per problem! If you’d … finish reading Pledge for our Mathathon!
Spontaneous mini road trip
beach day Originally uploaded by Liz. Moomin and I took the long way back from SF to home. We ate bagels at the cafe in Montara, talking about whales. He brought my bagel and his and my latte to the … finish reading Spontaneous mini road trip
Reptile birthday!
millipede Originally uploaded by Liz Henry The reptiles at Moomin’s party were a hit. The reptile party guy brought several kinds of boas and pythons and a green anaconda, along with a monitor lizard and a tegu. There were also … finish reading Reptile birthday!
LIke a mighty stream
Moomin and I went to the SF MOMA with Minnie today. Moomin made some great comments, snarking at some of Friedlander’s photos, “Did a KID take this or what?” (This specifically about one of the “Letters” series, a photo of … finish reading LIke a mighty stream
Tagged adventure, friends, moomin, playground
Coffee with badass mamas
pool Originally uploaded by Liz Henry This morning’s coffee hour was particularly nice. I was bummed about being back in the wheelchair today, and I was in pain. But then everybody made me laugh. My hurting bones baked in the … finish reading Coffee with badass mamas
Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!
When I saw this headline about redshirting kindergartners, I thought it had something to do with Star Trek, but could not figure out how on earth the metaphor could be stretched – was someone sending 5 year olds out to … finish reading Redshirting kindergartners: a rant!
Tagged bad parents, brats, education, gender, privilege, public schools, rants
How not to talk to your teacher
Moomin had his second report card of the year and got very good grades. I went to the parent-teacher conference thinking “THIS time I’m going to keep my mouth shut. I’ll listen to what the teachers have to say, since … finish reading How not to talk to your teacher
What not to wear: No to Knives!
Things you can get away with wearing if you are not a parent, but might want to use your judgement about, if you are around kids who can read: Stabby McKnife This got me thinking. I mean, about 2 percent … finish reading What not to wear: No to Knives!
Tagged silly
Barack Skywalker rules the back seat
Moomin’s friend Hamster asked me today who I was going to vote for. Then he asked if I knew who Dick Cheney was and if I thought that “Darth Cheney” was a funny name for him because he wasn’t a … finish reading Barack Skywalker rules the back seat