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Tag Archives: politics
Tabloid Junkie
My city has a very cool town square between the old courthouse/history museum and the movie theater, with fountains and lots of space for kids to run around. I really like the street fairs and music events. At the last … finish reading Tabloid Junkie
Reading Watership Down
Watership Down is our new bedtime reading book. Moomin and I started it last night. I gave him two warnings: it’s intense, and it sometimes has long boring descriptions of scenery. My pitch for the book was basically the book … finish reading Reading Watership Down
Inauguration homework
Moomin is writing an essay on Obama’s inauguration speech, for his homework tonight! I watched the inauguration this morning after he went to school, and hoped they were watching it there. Apparently they did. I’m so glad. Now, they’re all … finish reading Inauguration homework
Being involved in local government
Here’s my town’s new General Plan. I just got this email from a community member, with a list of the committee meetings! I have not done much in the last year and a half, because of health issues, stopped going … finish reading Being involved in local government
Tagged community, government, local, politics
Happy Voting Day!
I’ve been so happy and excited all day today. We’re going to win, win, win! It gives me hope. I headed out to the polling place about 3pm. It’s about 5 blocks from my house, in a Lutheran church. Usually … finish reading Happy Voting Day!
Tagged politics
Vote however you like
This is pretty much the best thing ever. Kids having a blast singing and dancing about the elections! I think it’s a beautiful way to teach kids about the political process and being able to talk about different issues! Related … finish reading Vote however you like
Tagged politics
One mom’s response to American Stories
Tonight Rook and Moomin and I watched the Obama video “American Stories, American Solutions”. Here is some propaganda I can get behind. It was pitched straight to the middle class. It was a very effective populist message. I start to … finish reading One mom’s response to American Stories
Civics lesson on our street corner
This woman thinks she’s protecting families, marriage, and free speech: With her church friends who were out on the street corner by my house this morning, waving their signs that say “Yes on Prop 8”. That’s what she told me. … finish reading Civics lesson on our street corner
Changing my name to Chrysler
Dear Moomin, You know how Dad sings that song to you at bedtime, “I’m changing my name to Chrysler”? It was written in 1980, by Arlo Guthrie, when your Dad and I were about 10 years old. We read the … finish reading Changing my name to Chrysler
Fantastic Mr. Fox and Wiretapping
Inside AT&T TSD-3600E Telephone Security Device (Clipper Chip)Originally uploaded by mab @ flickr We went out for pizza and arcade games and air conditioning tonight, and brought our books. Moomin described his book, Fantastic Mr. Fox. “The farmers are SO … finish reading Fantastic Mr. Fox and Wiretapping
Contraception and miscarriage art
I really like Aliza Shvartz’s art project. She has done some videos of herself bleeding into the bathtub and I think some paintings with her blood, described thusly: a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself … finish reading Contraception and miscarriage art
Melons, wars, and the global economy
Moomin and I have had interesting talks all week. He has a project from school to look around at many household objects and find out where they were made. Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China, China, China, England, Taiwan, China, Japan, Italy… … finish reading Melons, wars, and the global economy
LGBT familes, teen advice to parents: Be prepared
Here is the liveblogging (cleaned up this time!) of the COLAGE panel about growing up in LGBT families. *********** There’s five people on the panel all looking just a tiny bit nervous. I’m admiring one girl’s pink flip-flops and matching … finish reading LGBT familes, teen advice to parents: Be prepared
Izzy’s dream
Squid blogged this morning about her 7 year old daughter’s MLK Jr. Day essay for school: I have a dream…. Don’t miss it. I cried last night, I cried again this morning, and I’m crying again now, it was so … finish reading Izzy’s dream