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An extra sweet smile

At Squid‘s house today, Leelo smiled at me a lot. Maybe he likes my silly hair? He also walked up and sat down next to me several times — and once he asked for my bracelets very clearly. I gave … finish reading An extra sweet smile

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Keeping that school campus "safe"

Imagine getting a call about your daughter at high school – but it’s not from the school, it’s from your kid’s friend. Your daughter has been arrested and injured in the process. You go to the school but no one … finish reading Keeping that school campus "safe"

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Housework Raiders in the Lost Maze of Time

dungeon Originally uploaded by Liz Henry Once upon a time in a castle far away, a party of adventurers did the housework. OH YES. Someone has made a fabulous online game, Chorewars, which functions as a sort of to-do list … finish reading Housework Raiders in the Lost Maze of Time

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News flash, mothers are bad

What the hell, people! Some asshat news show on the Channel Of Eeeevil calls some journalist a bad mother for … being a journalist and going to Iraq to cover the war: I would say the same thing if this … finish reading News flash, mothers are bad

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Time for a weekly allowance

After hanging out with my co-worker’s kids for a while this afternoon and hearing their talk of money and allowances, I realize it’s time to give Moomin some money. I’m not sure how to do this! At his age my … finish reading Time for a weekly allowance

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We scored the classroom with the BUNNY

first day of school Originally uploaded by Liz Henry I get so excited at the first day of school! I like new things, and as a kid, I switched schools a lot. If I could have gone to a new … finish reading We scored the classroom with the BUNNY

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Backyard tent and game con preparations

milo and john in backyard tent Originally uploaded by Liz Henry Rook is getting ready to go to Burning Man where I hope he has fantastic adventures and doesn’t get sunburned anywhere too interesting. Oh, the disasters I can imagine … finish reading Backyard tent and game con preparations

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Playing in the pool; relationships, blogging, and real life

Last weekend me and Moomin and Zond-7 went to Squid’s party which was usual swirling chaos mixed with grown up awesomeness but without the giant yard the kid generated chaos was slightly more difficult to cope with. I thought of … finish reading Playing in the pool; relationships, blogging, and real life

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Kids at the conference!

DSCN1233 Originally uploaded by artificialignorance Here I am festooned with kids at BarCampBlock, a geeky unconference that I helped to plan and coordinate. With very little effort or planning, we set up a kids’ room in a central area. It … finish reading Kids at the conference!

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DTWOF rule, now with more Godzilla

I noticed a cool thing other day while Moomin was making up Godzilla stories in the bathtub. It was Episode 3 of a series in which Poison Arachnid accidentally boarded a Continental Airlines flight instead of Frontier and ended up … finish reading DTWOF rule, now with more Godzilla

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Mirror writing

In up and down mirror writing, some letters are the same in the mirror. If you write them, some letters are not. Instead, you have to draw them upside down to make the mirror writing. Letter that have vertical symmetry … finish reading Mirror writing

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BlogHer report, part 1 of at least 3

Here is a giant bigass post with links to all the people I met at Blogher. It was often a blur of meeting people who recognized me because I am recognizable with the purple hair and all. But then I … finish reading BlogHer report, part 1 of at least 3

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Picking tomatoes

I tried to make Moomin pick the cherry tomatoes with me. I don’t even like tomatoes, but these were so tiny and cute, and I like the way the leaves smell when you pick them. My mom’s dad used to … finish reading Picking tomatoes

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Rock Star pose on the way to camp

rock star no photo Originally uploaded by Liz Henry Moomin strikes a pose! It was crazy hat day, and he decided on the stegosaurus hat. I really liked Camp Galileo. Instead of having canned-feeling kits, they asked the parents to … finish reading Rock Star pose on the way to camp

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Blogher Originally uploaded by Liz Henry I swear I’m going to write soon about how fabulous BlogHer was! I haven’t caught up with real life yet. Here I am all dressed up with my roommates Shauna and SJ! ( Not … finish reading Blogher!!!

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My pretty pony!

rook got his hair braided at a party Originally uploaded by Liz Henry OMG, Rook got his hair cut! It was really long and sort of ripply and was almost all the way down his back. He fussed with it … finish reading My pretty pony!

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Wheely at BlogHer

Playground baseball Originally uploaded by Liz Henry I’m so behind on my mommyblogging… but things are lovely, Moomin is cute and obsessed with comic books and Godzilla and stories even more so than last I checked, and I’m about to … finish reading Wheely at BlogHer

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We could look it up!

My favorite words! Coming out of the mouth of my kid! As we were driving along home from Lego camp I remarked (thinking of his missing toys and bicycle) that maybe it is possible to buy lego sets with motors … finish reading We could look it up!

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Burned scrolls and cryptography

burned scroll Originally uploaded by Liz Henry Today was so beautiful for me because for the first time since late March I was able to get up, make breakfast, and be mentally and emotionally present. I could not only take … finish reading Burned scrolls and cryptography

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Things borrowed

Moomin just went over and played inside our neighbor Nukie’s house for the first time and started walking back over with things one by one. “Here’s my Pokemon cards! I think Nukie accidentally took them home.” Trot trot trot back … finish reading Things borrowed

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