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Tag Archives: friends
That green stuff scrolling on a black window
Good questions that Moomin’s awesome friend just asked me: Do you feel better yet? Are you only a little bit sick? Are you working in your bed? Are you programming in javascript? What programming languages do you use? What’s that? … finish reading That green stuff scrolling on a black window
Tagged friends, kids, programming, work
Reptile birthday!
millipede Originally uploaded by Liz Henry The reptiles at Moomin’s party were a hit. The reptile party guy brought several kinds of boas and pythons and a green anaconda, along with a monitor lizard and a tegu. There were also … finish reading Reptile birthday!
LIke a mighty stream
Moomin and I went to the SF MOMA with Minnie today. Moomin made some great comments, snarking at some of Friedlander’s photos, “Did a KID take this or what?” (This specifically about one of the “Letters” series, a photo of … finish reading LIke a mighty stream
Tagged adventure, friends, moomin, playground
Sam’s party
Sam’s party Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Salmon and satay and pizza and fruit and asparagus and two kinds of cake… a bouncy house, a trampoline, a musician, teenagers making balloon animals. It was mayhem, but not completely wild like … finish reading Sam’s party
Coffee with the Bad Moms
Bad Moms Coffee Originally uploaded by GraceD. Grace came to coffee hour with the badass mamas! And Elswhere (Travels in Booland) was visiting too! Sadly… Squid and Jo weren’t there and were much missed. It’s been what, four years I’ve … finish reading Coffee with the Bad Moms
els arrives! and our adventures
els arrives! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. I don’t know why but I had pictured Elswhere being sort of serene, wise, and calm. Instead she’s cute and bouncy, hyper and giggly, shy and librarianly and geekgirlish. What’s with the serene … finish reading els arrives! and our adventures
The kids next door
After reading Joshua Norton’s strip mining blog I was thinking about rh and lh and their cousins who used to live next door to me up in the Santa Cruz Mtns. The youngest was 7, rh was 11 and lh … finish reading The kids next door