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Monthly Archives: March 2006
leaving a bit wild on purpose
At our party the other day I came across Clyde, Merlin’s dad, while on idle and keeping an eye on the kids in the “secret clubhouse”, crouched on the sidewalk helpfully pulling henbit out of the front yard exactly in … finish reading leaving a bit wild on purpose
enemies and friends
Moomin’s friend is the sweetest kid. I’m in awe of his mom, because clearly she is Always Available… Thom kept coming into my room and saying “I need help, I don’t understand these instructions…” “Sorry, I’m too busy to help … finish reading enemies and friends
stomping the city!
stomping the city! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. We set up the city at the beginning of the party. Tension built, and a couple of hours later we announced that all the godzilla monsters would stomp the cities! Ingredients for … finish reading stomping the city!
Doomed cities, shrieking kids
Phase one of the Godzilla party. I started things off with a couple of kids, and very quickly a bunch of them made skyscrapers with the boxes. There were at least two Clock Towers, a church, an aquarium, and the … finish reading Doomed cities, shrieking kids
woolfcamplet, early thoughts
Up the road to Squid’s house in the woods. Rivers pour across the road, leading me to think of the imperfections of civilization. Wouldn’t you think this road would have proper drainage by now, and culverts underneath? But on the … finish reading woolfcamplet, early thoughts
Izzy’s dream
Squid blogged this morning about her 7 year old daughter’s MLK Jr. Day essay for school: I have a dream…. Don’t miss it. I cried last night, I cried again this morning, and I’m crying again now, it was so … finish reading Izzy’s dream
body not totally up to speed
Well speaking of how easy it is to break myself… I just screwed up my right arm and hand by spraypainting a bazillion cereal boxes for the godzilla city-stomping… an hour ago i couldn’t type! holy shit! i’m so breakable. … finish reading body not totally up to speed
reading in bed
reading in bed Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. After school, Moomin likes to have some juice and hop straight into bed for some cosy reading. The swords are under the pillow just in case anything leaps out of the book … finish reading reading in bed
Birthday comic books
03-22-06_2045.jpg Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Minnie and Moomin reading “Babymouse: Queen of the World.” I really loved this Babymouse book and want to read the other ones! Moomin read it twice all the way through today. Related posts:enemies and … finish reading Birthday comic books
report card
Yesterday Moomin’s teacher mentioned his report card to me. I dug around in his backpack, but it wasn’t there. “Maybe I forgot what it was, and accidentally, last week, or last year, threw it away, by accident,” Moomin said, with … finish reading report card
dream of lost objects
In this morning’s terrible dream… I was wandering around the house where my mom and her sisters grew up. My grandparents lived there until I was 10. My dad was standing outside with his hands in his pockets, gruffly waiting … finish reading dream of lost objects
Long day
I had a great time with SuperT, Hamster’s mom, this afternoon, as we hung out talking about feminism and blogging and the kids played. She kept making me tea. I thought of a good tshirt idea, finally… I’ll use the … finish reading Long day
rain and bed
I kinda just want to go to bed with my book and eat cookies. This morning I worked like crazy, then went to the post office to mail off another draft to my advisor and 2nd reader. It came out … finish reading rain and bed
funny quote
From the airport as Moomin and I were leaving… He was hugging my mom and stammering out, “Grandma, I wish… I wish… I wish … “ “Yes?” (She and I were both thinking he was going to say something sweet … finish reading funny quote
intensity overload
I’m glad we decided not to go anywhere today. I need a low-key day to get myself together. Moomin and I fly back to CA tonight. And then I have to do a bunch of writing and thought-organization for this … finish reading intensity overload
a great battle
Rook just showed me this marvellous home-made video of a lightsaber fight by Ryan Wieber and Michael “Dorkman” Scott, some Menlo Park teenagers. That’s some damn fine fight choreography! Really, watch the whole thing. Perfect pacing and acting, dramatic tension … finish reading a great battle
cranky mom, airplanes
I swear I’m not making this up. Just now in Amelia’s in Deadwood, I was eating dinner with Minnie, Rook, Moomin, and our friend R. from San Diego. Two guys came up to us and said “OMG are you the … finish reading cranky mom, airplanes