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Monthly Archives: April 2006
cute letters
friends on a fish Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Dear Moomin, I am in Stockholm, Sweden right now. I am going tobe playing games on the weekend, but today I havejust been seeing sights around the city with someDanish people … finish reading cute letters
old hippie expounds to high school students
old hippie expounds to high school students Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. The public library “outdoor internet cafe” hops with action after school gets out. Here, a greasy-haired hippie guy amiably tells stories about how his friends died from shooting … finish reading old hippie expounds to high school students
fantasy worlds, starring other people
funny hat Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. The crossing guard wasn’t at Moomin’s school today. I dread seeing her like you wouldn’t believe. I hope she has found something satisfying to do with herself. I used to idolize Mrs. Bolla, … finish reading fantasy worlds, starring other people
simpering hippies and a snarling hellcat
"bedtime" with green lantern Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Your toddler goes stiff as a board and won’t get in her car seat? Oh my god, how will you persuade her to co-operate? I can’t believe someone just asked that … finish reading simpering hippies and a snarling hellcat
the morning’s gossip
This morning as the kids lined up for school, Zian’s mom told me that her husband’s retina accidentally detached for no good reason. It started peeling off the back of his eyeball like shredding wallpaper. So: emergency surgery. They inject … finish reading the morning’s gossip
an unexpected call and voicemail
laughing super hard at something Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Excuse me, did that just happen or am I hallucinating? I thought that was Jo on the phone but it was her daughter, who has a really good book she … finish reading an unexpected call and voicemail
Coffee with the Bad Moms
Bad Moms Coffee Originally uploaded by GraceD. Grace came to coffee hour with the badass mamas! And Elswhere (Travels in Booland) was visiting too! Sadly… Squid and Jo weren’t there and were much missed. It’s been what, four years I’ve … finish reading Coffee with the Bad Moms
minor annoyances of life
horrible grammar Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. One is this sign, on a bathroom at Moomin’s school. I walk by it every day and the incorrectly placed apostrophe bothers me! It’s a bad example. And the teachers don’t seem to … finish reading minor annoyances of life
Earth Day
earth day Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. At the grocery store they had a booth up with “Earth Day” information, coloring books, mouse pads about conserving water, and posters of Koko the gorilla with her kitten Smokey. Moomin declined the … finish reading Earth Day
Happy Blog Against Heteronormativity Day!
Happy Blog Against Heteronormativity Day! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Nubian, at Blackademic, has declared that it’s “Blog Against Heteronormativity Day.” What can I say… I’m not very heteronormative, no one around me seems to mind, and I’m super happy! … finish reading Happy Blog Against Heteronormativity Day!
a peaceful morning
drawing Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Moomin and Hamster woke up at 7:30, a fairly civilized hour. I was already just waking up and thinking of my thesis and of several other things-to-do and things done that I shouldn’t have, … finish reading a peaceful morning
the fine arts
I have not yet succeeded in teaching my kid to pick his nose or to spit. Related posts:games day at the libraryGood old duct tape
Please take my survey!
the best book for girls Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Darling, fabulous readers! Please click through and take the (short) survey that I need for my participation in the BlogHer Ad Co-op. Here’s the survey! Do it! Or else you … finish reading Please take my survey!
"she felt like a traveller in fairyland"
girls’ book illustration Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. I worked for several hours, then went to Bad Mom Coffee hour with Elswhere, met up with everyone for a super good gossip. We talked about public vs. private schools, funding and … finish reading "she felt like a traveller in fairyland"
els arrives! and our adventures
els arrives! Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. I don’t know why but I had pictured Elswhere being sort of serene, wise, and calm. Instead she’s cute and bouncy, hyper and giggly, shy and librarianly and geekgirlish. What’s with the serene … finish reading els arrives! and our adventures
geek playdate
tree on El Camino Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Yesterday Moomin and I went over to his friend Hamster’s house for a playdate. They scooted off into the wild blue yonder of giant K’nex and “laser blaster shooters” while Hamster’s … finish reading geek playdate
pink brains, you can see ’em work
at the hole Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. So the deal is, I’ve known Jo’s daughter Elia for 5 years now. And today picked her up from school – Me and Moomin walking together in the sun. Elia was raving … finish reading pink brains, you can see ’em work
in trouble
Holy tamales, Moomin just told me he got sent to the principal’s office for “not hearing the bell” and … I think he might have just been kind of standing around the playground after recess was over, spacing out. His … finish reading in trouble
Lemons and pacman cookies
pacman cookies Originally uploaded by Liz Henry. Iz: And there sure are a lot of lemons over here on this lemon tree. Hey, we could make some lemonade and have a restaurant. And pick flowers. When I make lemonade at … finish reading Lemons and pacman cookies
day camp flowers and alligators
04-14-06_1529.jpg Originally uploaded by Liz . Moomin: The flowers are all closed, so that they’re camouflaged. (closes magnetic blocks)Vari: Now the alligator is coming and he eats flowers.Moomin: Close up, flowers!Vari: Close your petals, all you flowers!Moomin: Whew. They’re safe.Vari: … finish reading day camp flowers and alligators